Saturday, May 2, 2009

Walkerton UPC & Indiana Bible College Impact Walkerton

The day started with prayer and a rally, reminding each of us of the biblical call to preach the gospel to every creature.
This blue guy came along, and stole a lot attention.

Town Square Restaurant owners receive a plaque of appreciation from WUPC for investing in our community.
John from Celebrity Motors receives a plaque.

Phil Buckmaster, of Just For You, also receives a plaque.

Subway employees accept a plaque on behalf of Subway owners.
Randy of Koontz Lake Market receives a plaque from Dwayne Smith and WUPC.
The traveling congrefation prepares for its own parade.

IBC provides the music for the Block Party.
IBC students and their technological devices.

Bro. Gabe works the grill.
Prior to the block party, IBC students trim the hedges of the Urey Park in preparation for the crowd.
The Urey Middle School park gets a face-lift from IBC students and WUPC.