Fellow Saints:
The Easter season is upon us already and it’s time to begin thinking of ways to bring our un-churched family and friends into our doors. When Jesus said to Peter and Andrew, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men,” the bible says they “straightway left their nets and followed him.” Two thousand years later we are called to do the same.
Join in the fun of the 2009 Easter Contest, “Becoming Fishers of Men.”
This year the church body will be divided into three teams and the winning team will receive a cookout, prepared for them by the two losing teams. Also, the man and woman who “catch the most” will also be rewarded with prizes.
The church body is asked to bring in fishing equipment and items for the man’s prize, as well as gift cards from various stores for the woman’s prize. There will be a place in the church foyer to deposit these items.
Let the game begin, and in so doing, may we break our record attendance and see someone’s life changed for an eternity!
The Easter season is upon us already and it’s time to begin thinking of ways to bring our un-churched family and friends into our doors. When Jesus said to Peter and Andrew, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men,” the bible says they “straightway left their nets and followed him.” Two thousand years later we are called to do the same.
Join in the fun of the 2009 Easter Contest, “Becoming Fishers of Men.”
This year the church body will be divided into three teams and the winning team will receive a cookout, prepared for them by the two losing teams. Also, the man and woman who “catch the most” will also be rewarded with prizes.
The church body is asked to bring in fishing equipment and items for the man’s prize, as well as gift cards from various stores for the woman’s prize. There will be a place in the church foyer to deposit these items.
Let the game begin, and in so doing, may we break our record attendance and see someone’s life changed for an eternity!