Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sunday School On Parade!

Join us for another Super Sunday, as we celebrate with Sunday School on parade!  Come and see what it's all about!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Have you heard?

Bro. Tony Stoddart will be preacing on Wednesday evening!  Service begins at 7:00.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

IBC @ WUPC! 2010

Indiana Bible College students ministered in many areas and on several levels this weekend.  The Sunday
School Dept. enjoyed them this morning!They ministered through song and instrument, through preaching, and worship.They day is not complete without with food and fellowship!
Thank you for the memories made and lives impacted this weekend, IBC!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Friends Day!

Bring a friend or two to church tomorrow with you!  We will be serving a free lunch buffet following the mornig service.  There will be a hog roast and an assortment of home-cooked, "church lady" food!

IBC & WUPC Canvas the Community!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Welcome to Walkerton, IBC!

Indiana Bible College students will be joining us for a weekend of Impact! 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

D.O.V.E. Girls' Club 2009-2010 Awards

Sewing and hair accessories projects
The Daugherty girls all earned Perfect Attendance!
Each girl earned a badge and certificate for the number of years; some it was their first year, and for one, it was her 4th year!
Hadley earned a prize for most badges!  Abby earned her 4 year badge and certificate!All of the girls did a great job this year, working hard to learn the pledge, badges, and to do their best on projects, and all things!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Education Sunday this Weekend!

The bible says in 1 Corinthians that teaching is a gift, and we at the Walkerton United Pentecostal Church believe in giving honor to those who tackle the difficult tasks required of them in order to serve our community in this capacity.

Parents of course, play the most important role in raising children, but we believe that having solid role models for teachers, in conjunction with the Pastors, Youth Leaders, and coaches in other areas, forms a firm foundation on which the children of our community can grow, stumble, and count on.

With that in mind, the Walkerton United Pentecostal Church would like to invite you, an educator and a vital part of our community, to Education Sunday on April 18 where we will be honoring all local teachers, administrators, and other school personnel in our Sunday morning service, with a special presentation and token gift. We hope that you will come and be a part of it.

Service begins at 10:00am. We are looking forward to seeing you and your family there. All are welcome.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Revival with Bro. Wade

The Wade family has been in Walkerton this week, ministering to our church body.  We are grateful to have them with us and excited about all that God is doing!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Revival this Week!

Rev. Wade
7:00 pm, nightly

Wednesday April 14
Thursday April 15
Friday April 16
Sunday April  17

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Battle of the Brains

Bro. Frank runs a PowerPoint while Trivia participants exercise their brain power.
Team "Jerry's Kids" put their heads together.  Literally.Here is a demonstrtation of intelligence.  The winning team!